Greetings from
I dread beginning a
blog with talk about the weather, a sure sign of a conversational
roadkill, but I shed this fear because of Chicago, the
Great White City. It's cold, and I love it. On my walk to
starbuck's this morning, (a tradition while staying with Joel and Mollie, the java-less folk that they are) I rolled out with only gym shorts and a t-shirt. I was greeted with a brisk lake breeze and cement grey sky. I smiled, mostly because this reminded me of my morning walks to Starbucks in December and January. But, rather then the biting, make-you-wish you were in Tucson cold, this was the hug me, giggle and keep me warm cold that I fondly associate with growing up in the
So, about my absence. I apologize to the tens of you out there who missed me (am I being ambitious?). The absence was triggered by the loss of my camera, my inspiration for this blog. I have yet to replace it, and regret the many blog worthy activites that I have missed. Among them:
1. Graduation (not mine, unfotunately)
2. Graduation parties (unfortunately not mine)
3. End of school festivities
4. My Recital (subject of a future blog, to include music evidence of it's actual existence)
5. Anishka's move to San Diego
6. My current trip to Chicago
I guess that sums up what i have been doing, besides a class that I took, Music 672, "Teaching Higher Education." The class really should have been titled, "How to get a job." It was a great class, many useful things were discussed, and much was learned. The most important thing I learned, was that I should breath during a job interview.
Thanks to Nishi for the photos. The top photo is of Ken and Isabelle, my new canine niece. Of course, a beingwheelwright blog wouldn't be complete without a photo of Sammie. If you are a bww Sammie groupie, look for video on a future blog to feature Sammie and my couch. I miss you Sammie!
So enjoy your Friday... and bring on the World Cup!