Well, nearly a week has past, but here it is!
Last week concluded a successful run of the opera at school. Dad and George came to town to see the show and a good time was had by all!
Dad flew in on Friday and we hung out during the day at my house. Friday night was my opening, and although it wasn't fantastic, it went very well.
Saturday, dad and I drove down to Sonoita to do some wine tasting. We started atDos Cabezas and then continued on to Canelo Hills where I gave my dad a tour of the grounds. Photographic evidence:
We concluded our trip by heading over to Callaghan Vineyard.
Full of wine tasting, we drove back up to Tucson to pick George up at the airport. Then it was dinner and off to the opera, this time to watch the other cast. You can see photos of their dress rehearsal here.
Dad and George enjoying coffee
Sunday morning Dad and George came to church we me, and then it was off to the opera again. Dad had to leave after the first act to catch his flight, but George was able to stay for the whole thing (Score: Dad 2 1/3, George 2). Sunday's performance went much better, and I was proud of everyone!
3 months ago